Topper, Ortitay Warner Issue Statement on BEF Commission
September 15, 2023
HARRISBURG – As the Republican House members on the Basic Education Funding Commission, Republican chairman of the House Education Committee Jesse Topper (R-Bedford/Fulton) and Reps. Jason Ortitay (R-Washington/Allegheny) and Ryan Warner (R-Fayette) issued the following statement:
“After one week of hearings, it is clear there are no easy solutions to the challenges faced within Pennsylvania’s current system of public education. It is also clear we have a tremendous opportunity to provide transformational change to that system through the recommendations of this commission. Our primary goal is to determine the best way to drive tax dollars from the state to local school districts. Within that formula should be both accountability and flexibility with the recognition no two school districts are alike. However, there are certain standards that must be universal to ensure each and every student has the opportunity to succeed. We must keep student achievement at the center of our focus as we continue listening and learning at each of these hearings.
“The commission must meet these challenges head on. We need to take on the difficult issues because we owe that to our students. We believe the commission, and the entire General Assembly, must come together for the betterment of all children so that all students, regardless of ZIP code, have access to quality education.”
Representative Jesse Topper
78th District
Representative Jason Ortitay
46th District
Representative Ryan Warner
52nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
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